Step One to Improvise, Compas


¡Bienvenido to the Online Flamenco Studio!

Here is a 10 minute flamenco dance class to make sure your compás is solid with palmas.  It’s the first step to learning how to improvise flamenco.


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There are over 30 courses with over 200 videos inside the Online Flamenco Studio.

This video is part of the “How to Improvise Flamenco Workshop.” We cover compás, basic markings to use in all flamenco, variations and lots of practice

  • Video 1-  You must have strong compás in order to improvise. Here we review palmas for a basic 12 count and practice them with solo compás and popular flamenco music.
  • Video 2- Learn the three basic markings that you can use for any letra of flamenco.
  • Video 3- We go over a few variations that you can use of the basic markings and then practice them.
  • Video4- We put it ALL together by improvising three different palos.


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