You, Too, Can Get Powerful Flamenco Footwork!!
Join this FREE 5-video footwork challenge and get strong footwork... and learn to improvise! (Even if you're a beginner!)

What do you FEEL when you see a flamenco dancer passionately dancing on stage with her footwork?
Exhilirated? Inspired? Maybe even a little intimidated?
But, you want to dance like that, too? Right?
Well, we are all on our own flamenco journey and we all struggle with our own struggles no matter what level we are.
But what if I told you that you could still dance your footwork with power and confidence with a few simple techniques?
Sounds too easy? Well, of course, you have to DO them and PRACTICE them- but they ARE simple!
Do you think it would take hours upon hours a day?
How abut only 10 minutes a day?
Would you want to try it?
Join the FREE Footwork Challenge!
Each video is 10 minutes with variations for new beginners and more experienced dancers.
Lesson 1: Rolling Golpe Technique
We'll go over this wonderfully versatile technique. New beginners will learn the basic technique and timing. More experienced dancers will learn how to articulate more in the movement so that you can gain speed and power.
Lesson 2: Back Planta Technique
We'll go over this balancing technique. New beginners will learn the basic technique and timing. More experienced dancers will learn how to drill down the movement so that you gain speed and power without sacrificing the compás.
Lesson 3: Simple Combination
We will create the first variation of the rolling golpe and back planta techniques by "splitting" the compás.
Lesson 4: Complex Combination
We combine both techniques into a single compás to create more complex combinations. Variations for new beginners and experienced dancers are shown, too!
Lesson 5: Escobilla Improvisation
Finally, we go over concepts on how to create your own escobilla pattern and even improvise one using all the techniques we've been building upon.
Here’s what people are saying about the challenge

¡Hola! I'm Rina Orellana
It's my pleasure to offer this Flamenco footwork challenge to help you reignite your flamenco practice (or even start one!)
I've been dancing flamenco for 25 years and I've helped HUNDREDS OF DANCERS from all over the world unleash their inner flamenca with my Online Flamenco Studio!
It's my hope that you join me in this challenge and transform how you practice, develop and dance more fully.